The mirror uses the insights of a foundational thinker in modern psychology to create a journaling practice in Notion. One that prompts you to identify triggers, reflect then inwardly and gain transformative perspectives for your self-understanding.
Shared: 27 Dec 2020
By: Serjhunt_ARK
Carl Jung's contributions to the field of modern psychology, like many great innovations in any field, raise more questions than simply 'solve' problems.
This conversation recently in Twitter between Richard Bartlett and Peter Wang captures two of Jung's greatest ideas. Those ideas are a) the psyche is made of multiple overlapping identities and b) that personal growth happens in relationship to others.
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The ideas put forward by Jung have not only had a profound impact on my personal thinking and growth but have influenced the thinking of founders at tech companies, entrepreneurs, teachers, parents and just about anyone who's asked the question... why do I get so triggered by anything at all?
While the two ideas mentioned above are highly insightful, we are left with the question of, 'well what should I do about that?...' That's where this Notion journal comes in. The journal leverages a foundational psychological perspective that Jung embodied in his work and life. Alan Watts' tribute lecture after Jung's death in 1961 contains an interpretation of that foundational perspective which goes something like this...
Watch from 6:31
To the degree that you condemn others, and find evil and others. You are to that degree unconscious of the same thing in yourself, or at least have the potentiality of it. Just because there are people who are unconscious of their own dark sides, and they project that darkness outwards, into say Jews or communist or whatever the enemy may be, and say there is the darkness, it is not in me, and therefore because the darkness is not in me I am justified in annihilating this enemy, whether it be with atom bombs or gas chambers. But to the degree that a person becomes conscious that the evil is as much in himself as in the other. to this same degree, he is not likely to project it onto some scapegoat and commit the most criminal acts of violence on other people. Now, this is to me is the primary thing that Jung saw, that in order to admit, and really accept and understand the evil in oneself, one had to be able to do it without being an enemy to it, as he put it, you had to accept your own dark side.